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Jenna Inouye

Contributing Author

Jenna's Posts (7)

Cover image for post with title What’s a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) in Real Estate?
What’s a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) in Real Estate?

A CMA is important for both buyers and sellers, forming a baseline of what a property may be valued at.

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Cover image for post with title What Not to Fix When Selling Your House: A Practical Guide
What Not to Fix When Selling Your House: A Practical Guide

Expert advice regarding what to fix (and what not to) when selling your home.

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Cover image for post with title Selling a House in Foreclosure: What You Need to Know
Selling a House in Foreclosure: What You Need to Know

You don’t need to go through a foreclosure alone. Find out everything, from the experts.

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Cover image for post with title Staging Your Home for Sale: Getting Started
Staging Your Home for Sale: Getting Started

It’s the first step toward selling your home — and an important one. Expert tips and tricks.

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Cover image for post with title What Makes Property Value Increase?
What Makes Property Value Increase?

What will increase your property value and ROI? Here’s everything you need to know.

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Cover image for post with title How to Sell a House Fast: Advice from the Experts
How to Sell a House Fast: Advice from the Experts

Professional advice for selling your home quickly. Pricing, repairs, listing, staging, and more.

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Cover image for post with title What to Do Before Selling Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide
What to Do Before Selling Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Prepare to sell your home. Expert information to help guide your home sale.

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