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Madeleine Osprey

Contributing Author

Madeleine's Posts (4)

Cover image for post with title How to Sell Your House Fast in San Diego
How to Sell Your House Fast in San Diego

Here’s what you need to know to sell your San Diego home quickly, with insights from an experienced Realtor

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Cover image for post with title How to Sell Your House Fast in Atlanta
How to Sell Your House Fast in Atlanta

Here’s what you need to know to sell your Atlanta home quickly, with insights from a real estate expert

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Cover image for post with title How to List Your House for Sale on the MLS
How to List Your House for Sale on the MLS

Get expert insights on what the MLS is and why your house should appear on it when you’re ready to sell.

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Cover image for post with title How to Sell a House by Owner (Without a Realtor)
How to Sell a House by Owner (Without a Realtor)

Here’s what you need to know before deciding to sell your home by owner, complete with insights from an experienced Realtor.

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