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Redy Wins 2023 HousingWire Tech100 Real Estate Award

Zak BrethertonMarch 8, 2023

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It’s official: Redy is a 2023 HousingWire Tech100 Real Estate award winner! This prestigious honor, awarded annually to the most innovative companies “changing the home sales process forever,” recognizes Redy’s growth and impact in our ten months of nationwide operation.

Since June 2022, thousands of homeowners and real estate agents have embraced our platform – and our mission to bring transparency, accountability, and alignment to the real estate process. Our first-of-its-kind listing marketplace matches ready-to-sell homeowners with real estate agents who present competitive bids to represent their property sale. This innovative approach ensures that homeowners can easily compare real estate agents, make an informed decision, and sign with an agent invested upfront in their home sale.

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For agents, meanwhile, Redy provides a unique opportunity to secure guaranteed listings and quickly accelerate business growth. Our platform levels the playing field, giving all agents an equal chance to pitch their services and qualifications – regardless of their network or connections. As HousingWire writes, “[Redy] is a solution for agents looking to scale their business… Rather than spending time and money on CRMs and other lead generation tools, Redy connects agents directly with sellers who have a home to sell, now.”

We’re grateful to our homeowners and real estate agents for believing in our vision of a better homeselling experience. Our 2023 HousingWire Tech100 Real Estate award is not only a recognition of our work, but a testament to your daily trust in us. By empowering homeowners and real estate agents alike, we can revolutionize the real estate industry together.

Ready to join us on our mission? Create a homeowner or agent account today to access a more transparent future for homeselling.

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